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This Time You Save Yourself by Zara Bas

"There are some pieces of you that may never be fully understood by anyone but yourself "

HeY`ALL! Today, let's walk through the poetic literature route once again, and this time, we're exploring the poetic prowess of Zara Bas. If you've been following along, you probably know that I have an insatiable admiration for her work. Zara Bas isn't just an author; she's a magician of words, a weaver of emotions, and undoubtedly one of my all-time favourite poets on Instagram.

I wanted to talk about "This time you save yourself." By Zara. This collection is nothing short of amazing. Zara has an extraordinary talent for distilling complex emotions into beautiful, relatable verses. Her words have a way of finding their place in your heart, offering solace, understanding, and sometimes, a gentle nudge to keep moving forward. "Take What You Need" is a literary treasure trove that invites you to dip your soul into the profound depths of human experience. 

"This time you save yourself" in a book is a voyage through nostalgia, similar to leafing through the pages of an old journal chock full of feelings. It resonates with our experiences and emotions in the most fundamental way, making it incredibly relatable. You'll recognise a part of yourself in these words, regardless of how deeply you've loved or how painfully you've lost someone. So tell me  Could there be a better teacher than the one who leads you with soft and beautiful verses that genuinely get you to the point when all you ought to do is this time choose yourself? Yes, Zara Bas lives in such a regard.

What's truly commendable is how Zara manages to capture the essence of self-empowerment and resilience amidst the chaos of life. It's a reminder that, at the end of the day, we are the authors of our own stories, and we have the power to save ourselves from the storms that life throws our way.


Absolutely, Zara Bas has this incredible ability to make people feel deeply understood through her poetry. It's like she reaches into the core of our emotions and puts them into words with such grace and empathy. And you know what? You're absolutely right – she deserves that same understanding too. After all, the best poets are often the ones who pour their hearts out onto the page, and it's essential to remember that they carry their own stories and feelings.

One of my favourite lines from this book would be, "You make people feel so understood. Don't you think you deserve a little understanding too?" It's a poignant reminder that even those who offer solace to others often need it themselves. Zara Bas's words have a way of peeling back the layers of our emotions, urging us to embrace our vulnerabilities.

And then there's the line, "You must stop diving in front of bullets when the one who claims to love you is the same person pulling the trigger." It's a powerful reminder of the importance of self-preservation and not sacrificing yourself for someone who doesn't value your well-being.

So, here's to Zara Bas and her incredible talent for capturing the essence of the human experience. Her words touch our hearts, make us reflect, and remind us that we're not alone in our feelings.

As always, if you're looking for more doses of literary magic and poetic wisdom, don't forget to follow my journey on Instagram, ( @byarsalhayat) where we explore the world of words together. Until next time, my fellow book enthusiasts, keep reading, keep dreaming, and keep cherishing the beauty of words. Farewell for now!


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